Ethnopôle Humanités océanes


The name Ethnopôle is attached to an institution accredited by the French Ministry of Culture which, in terms of research, information and cultural action, works at both local and national level. Through this recognition, the Ministry intends to promote, within the specific framework of each structure, high-level reflection in line with the main lines of development of the ethnological discipline and a policy of laying the foundations for concerted cultural action.

Humanités océanes

The Centre Intermondes was created in 2003 as an international space for artistic residencies dedicated to emerging contemporary creation. The aim of this artists' residency was to set up and run a program of critical cultural actions and events in La Rochelle and the surrounding area, in conjunction with local and regional cultural players, which are essential to the very existence of democracy. Designated an ethnopole in January 2022, Intermondes Humanités océanes is now also tasked with structuring a nationwide resource, research and mediation center around the three themes that define its field of action:

- Métissage and cultural circulation
- Imaginary inhabitation and the ecological condition
- Artistic creations and reuse of heritage in post-colonial contexts.

Its cultural programming, drawn up in coherence with the axes defined by the Humanités océanes ethnopôle's scientific council, takes care to develop the heritage-creation link, to show the topicality of the themes concerned, and to engage in mediation activities with various audiences from civil society: conferences, dialogues with artists, film screenings-debates. It also works to build up a network of research and cultural action centers for the safeguarding of living heritage across the country, and is thus part of a territorial development project, as stated in the preamble to the ethnopôle's development agreement: "the signatory members of [the said] agreement recognize the public policy issues involved in identifying, safeguarding and promoting intangible cultural heritage. In its complexity, intangible cultural heritage reflects the lively and plural nature of the specific ethnological characteristics of territories. It enables the recognition of cultural diversity and affirms the equality of all cultures. As a unifying force, it is a lever for social and intergenerational cohesion, helping people to live together. Its objectives are therefore as follows:

- To set up an artistic program in line with the research and creation expectations of the ethnopole;
- To promote the Intangible Common Heritage (ICP) of the oceanic humanities using all the tools at our disposal;
- To bring together creators working on heritage from a multidisciplinary perspective;
- To keep in mind the need for territorial development, in all its meanings, and by means of concerted cultural policies.

Scientific Advisory Board

The Ethnopôle's Scientific Advisory Board (headed by Laurent Vidal) is responsible for setting the research directions for the Ethnopôle label.
Charles Akibodé
Unesco Consultant African World Heritage (Cape Verde)
Apollinaire Anakesa-Kululuka
Professor of ethnomusicology (Antilles/Guyane)
Romain Bertrand
of European colonization in Southeast Asia, theorist of "equal parts history" (Sciences Po Paris, CNRS)
Dénètem Touam Bona
Philosopher (Mayotte). Marronnages, Indian Ocean, Africa
Jean-Pierre Corbeau
Sociology of gastronomy, co-founder of the Institut du goût and vice-president of the Institut européen d'histoire et des cultures de l'alimentation.
Élise Patole Edoumba
Ethnologist, curator at the Museum of Natural History (LR)
Emmanuel de Fontainieu
Director, Centre International de la Mer (Corderie Royale de Rochefort)
Yann Leborgne
Geographer and ethnologist (Cronos, association for the research and development of ethnological and intangible heritage - Vendée)
Caroline Le Mao
Professor of Modern History Junior Member of the Institut Universitaire de France
Thomas Mouzard
Anthropologist, in charge of ethnology and intangible cultural heritage at the French Ministry of Culture
Florence Pizzorni
Conservatrice générale du Patrimoine (UMR Héritages - Paris)
Dominique Rogers
Lecturer at the University of the West Indies (history, memory and heritage of slavery in the West Indies)