
Journées européennes du patrimoine

Paulius Šliaupa

This year's European Heritage Days will take place on September 21 and 22, with the themes "Heritage of routes, networks and connections" and "Maritime heritage". Intermondes is taking part in these days and is fully involved in this dynamic through its programming.

This is the case for Paulius Šliaupa's exhibition, in the official programming of the days, but also for the Mobile Decolonial Do Tank residency, curated by Catherine Sicot of Elegoa Cultural Productions, with the bskaabwidmawaa project, a transatlantic beaded-woven work evoking an indigenous ancestral heritage - a wampum belt - conceived in the spirit of repatriation. This will also be an opportunity to explore the heritage of itineraries, networks and connections in the African and Asian worlds.

The question of the restitution of works of art snatched from colonial worlds, with a screening of the Film Dahomey, and an "invitation to an ephemeral journey", in the form of an artistic device by Malanda Loumouamou.

The Fil nomade project will be initiated, in partenaria with the Musée d'Aquitaine and La Rochelle Université, to highlight Hmong textile heritages, thanks to the work of Hélène Lamarche and her forthcoming research residency, to establish a dialogue between these ancestral skills and her artistic work, and to highlight the Musée d'Aquitaine's deposited collection on this traditional textile craft.

Artist PieR will work in residence in Manila (Philippines), to create a graphic and personal portrait that may highlight varied aspects of this country of all crossroads with Spanish and American colonial influences.

Last but not least, the 7th Alliance Française Contemporary Art Prize is an opportunity to strengthen ties with Porto Alegre's Alliance Française and to promote shared heritages by bringing together the work of artists Lorenzo Muratorio (Brazil) and Manon Diemer (France) in a cross-residency.